Monthly Archives: January 2014


This morning was wonderful. I went with my sponsor to my home group this morning and finally received my 2-year coin! Not to mention, my sponsor handed down to me her own 2-year coin, and it is probably my favorite, most special coin I have in my collection of sobriety change. It is mind-blowing that two years ago, I was searching desperately for the answer if I was even an alcoholic, let alone getting sober, and staying sober. I’ve been through a handful of sponsors, and now have one that is near and dear to me. She knows her shit and works the program. I love how my AA life is today.

I remember when I was hopping from meeting to meeting, and things felt unstable. I’m happy in my home group. Another thing that was precious was watching the other 20 something alcoholics getting their coins for various anniversary time. It warmed my heart to see families proud of their loved ones, the hugs, and continuous hope in how AA brought broken people together again.

What I shared when I was given my coin — That a year ago, I struggled with being an alcoholic (why me? why did I have to go through this? why do I have to be this way?) and today, more so even recently, I’m finding a way to turn something damaging into something positive. I’m finding my purpose.

2 years later – Still breathing, still fighting

Hello my fellow friends, bloggers, readers, warriors! I have been absent lately; but I decided to sign in and check in on my lovely little page, and I found that I had some messages, new followers, and kind words. I was very dedicated to this when I first got sober, and life took over, then rehab happened, and then life took over again. But, I’m happy to share that on January 1, 2014, I celebrated 2 years sober. This is so exciting.

While the first year mark is a big hoo-haaa, this year was more quiet, but meaningful. In fairness to myself and my followers, I have much to update and hopefully, I will be posting regularly once again. In the past six months, prior to my silence on here, I managed to get a new sponsor, re-work my fourth step (currently still working on this), enroll back to school to work toward my masters degree in mental health psychology (I will one day be a masters level licensed drug/alcohol counselor), have lost several sponsees, but have gained new relationships, and to date, I just recently filed a resume and cover letter for two different rehab focused job positions. I must wait and practice patience for potential interviews, so fingers crossed.

I still struggle with my anorexia and OCD. It’s weird saying those things because I have blocked off the terminology for so long because it reminds me that I have an illness I must not give up on. Recovery has ups and downs, setbacks, triumphs. And it’s okay. I’m not perfect, so far from it, but I am grateful and a work in progress.

For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.

– Philippians 1:6