Acceptance for young alcoholics and marijuana

Through my new sponsorship with a newcomer, a 15-year-old girl as I mentioned in a previous post, I am now faced with my first challenge.

While she is very young she has come to accept that she cannot and must not drink alcohol — that she is definitely done, with her bottom.

Recently, specifically today, she was talking to me about how she isn’t at that place with smoking weed. While I could reinforce with her it is all about acceptance, addiction, mind altering drugs – I know that all I could do is tell her to pray for the obsession to be lifted and to keep on with step one. However, I also reached out to some young women I know who had that same issue and had to get to a level of acceptance.

I know, genuinely, that it’s in her hands and as her sponsor I told her if she choses to pick up, she will be back to step one. I also know that I could only talk to her as honestly as I could. I also shared some Big Book readings with her, and had someone give her a call.

I really love how honest she is with me. She’s a trooper. I just pray for her and that she can understand there is a solution now.

Basically, aside from what I’ve learned in my sobriety and what I can tell her — she may just not be at her bottom. Has anyone had experience with this? What are some other things I am not thinking about that could be beneficial to share with her, have her read or suggest other than what I have done already?

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